Thursday, November 14, 2013

Earth in space

22727 was a powerful discovery. After finding that perceptions all across the globe were changed a lot for the better. To reference from previous chapters, many worldviews consequently became a lot more cosmopolitan when everyone saw what the earth really looked like. It really strikes a note with my conscience also because I can sympathize with that feeling. It’s that feeling of feeling really small. When you realize that all you are is a tiny speck on a tiny speck in the Universe you feel very humbled. Many people especially when they are young have this inflated view of themselves that “the universe revolves around them” but when they see 22727 they really begin to feel small. On the other hand though seeing the earth in this way also allows people to see other parts of the world easily. It can even make mapping into an art, different ways of drawing the continents can produce different responses. 

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you. I think that in the context of this time in history it was a huge concept because we took a step back from all the tension and conflict in the world, and realized just how unimportant it was and how small we are. I have also felt this before when looking up at the night sky. I guess it's something about space and realizing just how huge the universe is that helps us understand that we are only a small speck in the world. I agree that it is a very humbling and relaxing feeling.


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